Your Body, Your Health
Your Body, Your Health is for people who were assigned female at birth and are moving towards a male or more masculine identity or presentation.
This 68-page full colour booklet, written by and for trans men, trans masculine and non-binary people, explains the various aspects of transition healthcare in an easy-to-read, non-technical way to help you make decisions about your own well-being in a society which can still tend to think in terms of two fixed genders.
Written by Lee Gale and Dr Lewis Turner and edited by Jim Pollard with cartoons by Jason Barker and photographs by Fox Fisher and other members of the trans community.
Take a look inside on our website.
Highly Commended in the 2016 BMA Patient Information Awards.
I've been doing this judging for a few years. I think this is one of the best resources I've seen. I hadn't read about the topic before, but found I wanted to as the booklet is so good. Well done. This booklet is great. I'll certainly recommend it to anyone I think would benefit from it.
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