Porn Free: pornography & men's health
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Pornography is as old the human race. It has been found in cave paintings. Today, there’s a lot of it about. That can lead us to think it must be very ‘normal’. And, in a way, it is but that doesn’t mean it isn’t affecting our health. Free online porn 24/7 has massively increased the risk.
Porn Free: pornography and men’s health answers men’s common questions. It explains how online porn works, how it can affect your brain chemistry and how it can affect many other aspects of your life. It will help you identify if you have a problem with porn and what you can do about it.
This short, punchy, easy-to-read manual written by Jim Pollard is full of simple, practical information. The key message, whatever your age, is: understand what you’re dealing with. Read the booklet. Learn more. Get support if you need.
WARNING: Reading this booklet could seriously improve your health.
Contents includes:
How Online Porn Works
The Side-Effects
Porn Addiction
Bigger and Better Things
Sources of Support
Your Checklist
What Next?
Plus CASE STUDIES of men beating porn
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