Man MOT - the INTERACTIVE manual
Do-it-yourself health checks & challenges for men of all ages.
One man in five dies before he’s 65. It’s not just men in mid-life, it’s young men too. And the causes are not just physical, they can also be in our head.
This booklet asks:
- how healthy are you?
- how healthy is your lifestyle?
It helps you answer these questions using simple measures and CHECKS.
Then it CHALLENGES you: how will you get healthier?
There are places throughout the booklet for you to record where you are right now and to keep an eye on the changes over time. There are 25 challenges in all - taking just a couple of them will improve your health.
A healthier life need not be a big deal. With the Men’s Health Forum’s MAN MOT, it’s easy and it’s fun.
The 20 page full colour A5 booklet, written by Jim Pollard with cartoons by John Byrne is full of simple, practical tips that will improve the health of pretty much anyone.
Men's Health Forum mini manuals: men’s health made easy.
Take a look inside the manual on our website.
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