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Men's Health Week 2024

For Men's Health Week, let's talk prostates (and everything else men's health)

Men's Health Week 2024 is 10-16 June. 

Men's don't talk, we're told. So for Men's Health Week 2024 we're encouraging men to share their stories.

We're taking our lead from King Charles who, earlier this year, shared that he had a problem with an enlarged prostate. On the day after his announcement, there were 16,410 visits to the relevant National Health Service website page compared with 1,414 visits the previous day. Prostate Cancer UK saw an almost doubling in the number of users of its online risk checker.

This goes to show the difference that honest sharing can make. Most of us won't have same impact as the King - for a while in the UK media, it was difficult to avoid urologists talking about the prostate and the things that can go wrong with it - but if there is a taboo about men's talking, well, the best way to beat a taboo is to ignore it.

New manual: P For Prostate

We'll be producing a new man manual P For Prostate looking at all aspects of the prostate - from where it is and what it does through to various problems it can cause for men.

There's more about the week on our main website

To enable people to run events that are right for the wide variety of men different organisations work with, we continue to make available all our downloads and materials from previous years covering topics from mental health, to smoking, to obesity and many more.

The most popular materials are accessible below, but if you are interested in looking at or using the specific materials for a given year, use the following links. Most of the resources are UNDATED so they can be used at any time.

To get the latest news about Men's Health Week, including news of new materials as they are released, please sign up to the Men's Health Week newsletter.

Men's Health Week runs every year in the in the week before Father's Day. Sign up to be alerted next year.